
비밀번호를 잊으셨나요

Fueled by 249 global operators' adoption, the global 5G market is projected to claim 40% of the worldwide market share by 2028. As an ever-growing market that utilizes the maximum benefits of 5G networks, the 5G FWA connections are expected to reach 235 million by 2028. Especially under the amplified demand for high-speed broadband connectivity. This propels 5G FWA solution providers to continuously innovate for the surging needs. In response, Fibocom invites partners within the ecosystem to kick off the discussion right after the significant broadband connectivity event, NetworkX 2023(Broadband World Forum 2023) in Paris.

With a fruitful gain from the event, Fibocom is pleased to share the latest technologies, market trends, and forward-thinking solutions from different perspectives. It is a valuable moment to navigate the expanding 5G FWA ecosystem with diverse parts in the ecosystem. Where you can elevate the 5G FWA insight to the next level!

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