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    / Technologies / LPWAN

    LPWA Network is revolutionizing the way things communicate

    Massive IoT that scales for millions of devices is evolving the future of M2M communication and transforming the way we live.

    Fibocom to Deliver Top-Class Commercial-Ready nuSI...

    Fibocom will collaborate with Deutsche Telekom and Redtea Mobile to deliver a top-class commercial-ready nuSIM module. Fibocom MA510-GL is a global LPWA multi-RAT module (GPRS/NB/LTE-M) that is widely used in smart meters, smart parking,

    Smart Agriculture Harvests Greater Production Effi...

    NB-IoT (narrowband IoT), an LPWA (Low-Power Wide-Area) technology, has proven to be particularly suitable for smart agriculture practices because it builds a bridge between remote equipment in the vast field and the farmers’smart devices.

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