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    • Deutsche Telekom is one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies, with some 184 million mobile customers, 27.5 million fixed-network lines and 21 million broadband lines. We provide fixed-network/broadband, mobile communica...

    • Telefónica is a company that is aware of the new challenges posed by today's society. This is why we offer the means to facilitate communication between people, providing them with the most secure and state of the art technology in order for the...

    • Verizon is one of the largest communication technology companies in the world.

    • We aspire to be a company that contributes to society by providing innovative services across a range of industries, going beyond the realms of conventional telecommunications carrier business models.

    • China Telecom Corporation Limited is a leading large-scale integrated intelligent information services operator in the world whose principal business is the provision of fundamental telecommunications businesses.

    • 中国移动目前是全球网络规模最大、客户数量最多、品牌价值和市值排名位居前列的电信运营企业,注册资本3000亿人民币,资产规模超过1.7万亿人民币,员工总数近50万人。中国移动连续19年入选《财富》世界500强企业,2019年列第56位;连续15年在国资委经营业绩考核中获A级。

    • 中国联通是中国三大电信运营商之一,主营GSM、WCDMA和FDD-LTE制式移动网络业务,固定通信业务,国内及国际通信设施服务业务、数据通信业务、网络接入业务和各类电信增值业务。

    • 作为全球应用安全科学专家,UL Solutions 服务全球100多个国家和地区的客户,将产品安全、信息安全和可持续性挑战转化为客户的机遇。UL Solutions提供测试、检验、认证(TIC),以及软件产品和咨询服务,以支持客户的产品创新和业务增长。

    • 耕兴自1986年成立以来,一直致力于提供客户专业的产品的测试与验证服务,经过多年来用心的经营,已经取得台湾主管机关BSMI及NCC, 各国普遍承认TAF之验证机关及测试实验室认证资格,以及手机产品之PTCRB, GCF, CTIA等单位多项认证;成为国内最大规模具公信力之EMC/Safety专业认...

    • SGS是国际公认的测试、检验和认证机构,是全球公认的质量和诚信基准。SGS全球服务网络由99,600名员工、2600个实验室和分支机构组成。

    • We are a world leader in innovative memory solutions that transform how the world uses information. For over 45 years, our company has been instrumental to the world’s most significant technology advancements, delivering optimal memory and storage......

    • Qualcomm is enabling a world where everyone and everything can be intelligently connected. You interact with products and technologies made possible by Qualcomm every day, including 5G-enabled smartphones that double as pro-level cameras......

    • Qorvo products are at work connecting, protecting and powering the planet. We bring core radio frequency (RF) and power technologies and solutions to mobile, infrastructure, the IoT, defense/aerospace and power management markets.

    • We are empowering the wireless networking revolution, connecting people, places and things around the world.

    • With our global technology leadership, SK hynix aims to provide greater value to all stakeholders, including our customers, partner companies, investors, local communities, and employees. SK hynix is committed to becoming a solution provider......

    • Samsung Semiconductor is transforming our imagination into reality by innovating semiconductor technology through ultra-fine processes. Discover the remarkable possibilities a small chip created, made viable by semiconductor nanotechnology.

    • UNISOC is the world’s leading chip design company. It is one of the few companies in the world that has fully mastered 2G/3G/4G/5G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, TV FM, satellite communications and other related technologies.

    • 电子电路是一种几乎不可见、极为“低调”的元素,但是它却构成了我们如今所生活的世界,在我们看不见的地方发挥着巨大的作用。这些电子电路存在于拥有最高性能、智能和能效的微型集成电路(或统称为“芯片”)中。每一天,全世界的人们都在与几十亿个电子设备交互,而每个设备内都有成...

    • The scope of DOCOMO's extensive research and development program is unprecedented among mobile operators. The company operates a major R&D center in Japan and advanced facilities in China, Germany and the USA.

    • Vodafone is a leader in technology communications through mobile, fixed, broadband and TV. As of 31 March 2020, Vodafone Group had approximately 625 million mobile customers, 27 million fixed broadband customers and 22 million TV customers.

    • Element is a leading global provider of Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) services on a wide range of products, materials, processes and services and products.

    • 北京华瑞赛维通信技术有限公司(ritt7Layers)由信息产业部电信研究院(CATR)与德国7 Layers 集团于2000年合资成立。电信研究院是信息产业部的重要机构之一,负责电信行业管制标准的制定、电信产品的中国认证、以及国家级新技术新业务的试验。

    • 中国信息通信研究院(以下简称“中国信通院”)始建于1957年,是工业和信息化部直属科研事业单位。多年来,中国信通院始终秉持“国家高端专业智库 产业创新发展平台”的发展定位和“厚德实学 兴业致远”的核心文化价值理念,在行业发展的重大战略、规划、政策、标准和测试认证等方面发挥...

    • 钛和检测认证集团股份有限公司是一家专注于质量、健康、安全、环境和可持续发展领域,集检验、检测、认证、校准和其它技术服务于一体的综合性第三方服务机构。我们拥有30余家实验室、50余家分支机构,服务网络覆盖全国。

    • 深圳市计量质量检测研究院(集团)有限责任公司简称深检集团(SMQ),于2020年在东莞和绍兴分别成立子公司:深检集团(东莞)和深检集团(浙江)。服务范围包括计量检测、认证、咨询、培训、标准等方面。在电子、纺轻、计量等产业领域,为客户产品及上下游供应链提供全方位、全品类的检测技术...

    • SRTC是我国无线电行业唯一的实验室认可 CNAS、计量认证 CMA、资质认定 CAL 三合一 国家级质检机构,具备中国、欧盟、美国、加拿大、日本等国家和地区的各类国内外权威认证、认可资质13项,可以开展包括中国无线电设备型号核准、CCC认证、FCC认证、CE认证、IC认证、GCF PTCRB认证、CCF认...

    • 作为一家服务于电子产品设备厂商的第三方实验室,BTL一直以帮助客户优秀产品行销全球为使命,致力于全球化和高质量化的检测和认证服务,目前,在北京,上海,深圳,东莞,佛山,印度新德里等地均设有分支机构,拥有500多名优秀员工,在全球范围内为客户提供各项量测服务、测试报告、认...

    • Focus is on giving customers what they want in three key areas. As a broadband connectivity provider, our high-speed fiber and wireless broadband networks connect people and businesses across the U.S. As a software-based entertainment provider.

    • MediaTek Incorporated (TWSE: 2454) is the world’s 5th largest global fabless semiconductor company. We are market leaders in developing innovative systems-on-chip (SoC) for mobile device, home entertainment, connectivity and IoT products.

    • 村田制作所以“Innovator in Electronics™”为标语,通过独自开发、制造和销售随着时代的变迁而不断发展的多种电子元器件,为社会作出贡献。

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