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    Company Introduction

    Fibocom is a leading global provider of wireless communication modules and solutions as well as the first wireless communication module provider listed on China A-shares stock market (stock code: 300638). Fibocom offers a one-stop solution for industry customers by integrating wireless communication modules, IoT solutions and cloud service. With over two decades of engagement in M2M and IoT communication technology and extensive expertise, we are capable of bringing reliable, convenient, secure and intelligent connectivity service to every industry, enriching smart life with a perfect wireless experience. Fibocom’s product portfolio ranges from cellular modules (5G/4G/3G/2G/LPWA)、automotive-grade modules, AI modules, android-smart modules, GNSS modules and antenna service. Together, we aim to empower digital transformation across industries such as ACPC (Always Connected PC), mobile broadband, smart retail, C-V2X, robotics, smart energy, IIoT, smart cities, smart agriculture, smart home, telemedicine, etc.


    • Building the foundation for the digital world and enriching a smarter life.
    • Be a trusted enterprise.


    • Customer Dedication
    • Empower Contribution
    • Teamwork through Trust
    • Continuous Innovation

    Our Values

    Capture Highest Value for Customers

    Centered on customer needs, Fibocom is committed to providing customers with safe and stable wireless connections and convenient services, and helping them reduce operating costs and maximize value. By empowering numerous IoT applications, Fibocom is securing users a seamless wireless experience and an exciting smart life via IoT communication products and solutions.

    Boost IoT Industries

    Fibocom’s products and solutions are of high relevance to new infrastructure such as 5G, charging stations, AI, and Industrial Internet. Bearing in mind that the company shares the same destiny with the industry, Fibocom has reached long-term strategic partnership with global leading telecom operators, mainstream chip manufacturers, and other players along the IoT industry chain. Based on wireless communication technology, we aspire to jointly develop innovative IoT applications and a robust ecosystem. Meanwhile, Fibocom has joined a number of standardization organizations and industry alliances at home and abroad. By proactively participating in the formulation of influential standards, we keep contributing our experience and knowledge to the sustainable development of IoT. During the COVID-19 pandemic, wireless multi-parameter monitors equipped with Fibocom 4G wireless modules were sent to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital. They reduced the physical contact between medical staff and patients and improved the efficiency of medical treatment, greatly lowering the risk of cross-infection.

    Grow and Thrive with Employees

    As the very first A-share listed IoT module producer in China, Fibocom insists on growing together with employees. For excellent contributors, we offer both tangible and intangible incentives including equities; for graduates, we provide a longer learning cycle and an international development platform; for experienced talent and technical experts, we ensure a more diversified R&D environment and innovation freedom. Walking hand in hand with its employees, Fibocom is always ready to share benefits and success.

    What We Persist

    Fibocom values its core strategy and competitiveness, rather than short-term profits. For the past 20 years, it has been staying true to its mission – to produce wireless communication modules and support the development of IoT. Much expertise and know how have been rewarded to the company along the journey.
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