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    / Info Center / Blog / 5G / How 5G and AIoT Will Revolutionize Business and Industry in the Future

    How 5G and AIoT Will Revolutionize Business and Industry in the Future

    Upload date: 2022-03-17

    5G is rolling out across the world, and with ultra-low latency, blazing fast speeds, and enhanced bandwidth, it will be a game changer across industries, particularly when coupled with the artificial intelligence of things, or AIoT.

    The combination of 5G and AIoT will drive economic growth across industries and lay the foundation for building intelligent, secure, and reliable infrastructure that will accommodate new services, use cases, and applications on demand. According to ABI Research, 5G coupled with AIoT will create US$3.1 trillion in value in 2025, with more than 40 percent of that driven directly from the 5G value chain, including equipment sales.

    At Fibocom, we are proud to be at the forefront of this digital transformation revolution, producing cutting-edge communication modules that support multiple industries and verticals as they unlock the possibilities of 5G AIoT.

    “Fibocom is making great strides to bring smart connectivity to all. Integrating key technologies such as 5G, C-V2X and AI, we have developed a variety of advanced modules, ranging from entry level to high-end tier, to empower next generation of innovations. Collaborated with leading technology companies, Fibocom offers one-stop services including future-proof module solutions as well as timely technical support. Approaching 5G monetization, we are committed to further driving the development of 5G AIoT,” said Dan Schieler, SVP of IoT Overseas Sales Dept., Fibocom.

    Fibocom has developed technology to help meet the challenges of the global pandemic, such as non-contact robots for remote diagnosis and delivery of meals and medicine, and other no-contact devices to promote a contactless economy. From improved process efficiency to enhanced operational protocols and unmanned operation, we help to shape the future of industry 4.0, increasing productivity, safety and innovation. Our products also help address communication infrastructure shortages where reliable communication is needed to connect with the outside world.

    Let's take a look at a few key industries where 5G and AIoT will make a significant impact.

    • Innovated industrial and manufacturing progress

    Manufacturing will use 5G and AIoT to build out Industry 4.0 initiatives, including highly automated factories and collaborative robots. The reliability, security, bandwidth, and low latency of 5G will enable companies to process more real-time data faster to accelerate production speed and guarantee quality. For example, connected cameras running AI models will be programmed to predict defects before they can disrupt production and SLAs.

    • Intelligent transportation and C-V2X

    AI is already delivering benefits for the transportation industry by enabling vehicle automation and transportation management. 5G and AIoT will unlock new, complex use cases that will take the transportation industry closer to the vision of running autonomous vehicles on existing infrastructure C-V2X.

    • Improved public security

    5G and AIoT will enable many public security use cases, including IP Camera and AI Access. Combining computer vision, deep learning, and automated responses, IP cameras in public, retail, and industrial environments ensure safety and security in diverse settings. Likewise, AI Access is a no-contact, fully automated access control system that wirelessly integrates existing access control systems with facial recognition technology, no-contact temperature screening, and identification databases to help business and industry cope with challenges resulting from a pandemic.

    • Enhanced healthcare with better access

    With 5G and AIoT, the number of patient monitoring devices used to train AI models for predictive analytics will increase, giving healthcare providers a stronger edge in using predictive analytics to further cut costs and deliver better care. 5G and AIoT will dramatically improve the industry's current efforts to provide remote care and near real-time health monitoring. Patients will have better access to care and live fuller lives while physicians can maximize their time to care for more patients and address critical issues faster.

    Let’s unleash the potential of 5G and AIoT

    5G AIoT will enable more distributed intelligence from the cloud to the edge. However, before industry and society can begin to benefit from these powerful technologies working together, the telecommunications industry has some of its own transformation to do before the future will happen.

    “We’ve established relationships with leading telecom operators, chip manufacturers and other technology companies to jointly develop a robust 5G AIoT ecosystem. Adhering to our core values of customer orientation, teamwork, pragmatism, and responsibility, we're working to lead the 5G forward,” said Dan.

    Related Topics: #IoT Applications #5G IoT
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