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    / 서비스 지원 / 기술 FAQ

    기술 FAQ

    • Radio Frequency

      How to check the signal strength of the module?
      Use the serial port tool to issue AT+CSQ command to the module.
      Can I use GPS antenna or WIFI antenna instead of 2G/3G/4G/5G antenna?
      The GPS, WIFI and 2G/3G/4G/5G antennas vary greatly in frequency band and are not interchangeable. To ensure effective communication quality, the appropriate antenna must be selected for specific modules.
      What are the conductive transmit power and the receive sensitivity?
      Refer to the RF description in the Fibocom module hardware manual.
      What are the signal value requirements for CSQ to work properly?
      The responses of AT+CSQ command is +CSQ: X, Y. It is recommended that X be 21 or more (not 99), and at least greater than or equal to 12. It is difficult for data service to succeed if X is less than 10. 0 and 99 indicate no signal.
    • Voice and TTS

      What is digital voice? What is analog voice?
      Digital voice signal is converted into analog voice signal through the audio codec chip, and the analog voice signal can directly drive MICs, speakers, and headphones.
      What is TTS?
      It refers to Text To Speech or voice broadcasting, i.e. converting words or Chinese characters from the module's audio interface to audio signals. The voice broadcasting SDK is involved. If it is not an open source SDK, fees may be charged.
    • Status Indication

      Are there any pins that can indicate the working status of the module?
      The network status indicator pin can be used to indicate the working status of the module, such as the LPG pin of some Fibocom modules and the NET_MODE pin of some other modules. The network status indicator flashes to indicate that the module is powered on; it flashes evenly and slowly to indicate that the module is searching for a network; and it flashes quickly to indicate that the module has obtained an IP address.
    • Built-in Protocol Stack

      What is the maximum data volume that can be received by the built-in protocol stack?
      In general, it can receive up to 2048 bytes of data. Refer to documents provided by Fibocom technical support for details.
      What protocols do the built-in protocol stack generally support? Is there an application document?
      It supports TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTPS, and other built-in protocols. An application document is available, and customers can contact Fibocom technical support to request it.
    • SMS

      How to switch SMS formats?
      Use the AT+CMGF=X command to switch between the two formats after the SIM card is successfully registered with a network.
      if X = 0, it indicates that the PDU format is set.
      If X = 1, it indicates that the TEXT format is set.
      What SMS formats do the module support?
      The SMS can be sent in two formats, i.e. TEXT format and PDU format. The PDU format supports sending Chinese SMS.
      The TEXT format does not support sending Chinese SMS. The current default setting is PDU format.
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